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Wise Ways

Passionate About Inspiring Others

Wise Ways started in Feb 2020 and is dedicated to educating, Empowering and Enlightening others.


About The Founder

Saige knew from day one of her foot zoning journey that one day she would be teaching.  She just didn’t realize it would be at her own school. In the Spring of 2017 Saige graduated Weber State with a Bachelors Degree in Professional Sales and 2 weeks later she graduated Foot Zoning School. She moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to start her “Big Kid Job” in corporate America.  After 47 very long weeks she decided that the soul-less corporation didn’t need to occupy her time anymore.  She decided that she was going to take a risk and start her own business doing what she loved!  Foot Zoning!  She moved back to Evanston, Wyoming and set up shop.  Looking back, Saige said “it was one of the scariest and most exciting decisions of my life!  But my fear of regret, wondering ‘what if’ was more terrifying than the fear of failure.  Throughout her self- employment journey and with each client Saige learned more and more important information.  She found herself saying many times “I wish I would have learned this in school”, or “that would have been very helpful to know.”  It was at that point that Saige decided to start her own school so she could teach and share her knowledge with others.  Wise Ways, Inc. was founded February 3, 2020. Saige chose that special day to create Wise Ways, Inc. in memory of her beloved Grandmother who had passed away nineteen years earlier on February 3rd.  Saige was very close to her wise Grandmother and has always felt that her Grandma is “leading the way”.

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